Scientific Resources

Science of Half-Earth Project

The science developed and, in-part, funded by the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation has had a significant impact in defining and reaching our goals to preserve global biodiversity. This high-quality science is critical to informing global initiatives like the recently agreed-upon Global Biodiversity Framework at CBD COP15, the “Kunming-Montreal Agreement” in which governments agree to protect 30 percent of land and ocean area by the year 2030 (30×30), or the America The Beautiful Plan that aims to protect biodiversity and address climate change in the US. 

The CBD COP15 recently adopted 3 biodiversity indicators to inform where and how to protect the most species to preserve global biodiversity. The effort is led by our Scientific Chair, Walter Jetz, PhD, who is also a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Yale University, and a team of outstanding spatial ecologists, biologists, researchers at the JetzLab Center for Biodiversity and Global Change managed by Alex Killion, PhD, as well as independent researchers at leading conservation organizations like the Nature Conservancy. 

Convention on Biological Diversity COP15

The UN Biodiversity Conference is the regular meeting of over 150 countries who have signed, and are therefore “parties to”, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the international agreement for conserving biodiversity with the vision of “living in harmony with nature by 2050”. The 2022 United Nations Biodiversity Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) was a conference held in Montreal, Canada, which led to the international agreement to protect 30 percent of land and oceans by 2030 and the subsequent adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network

The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) coordinates data on biological diversity, encompassing all of the Earth’s plants, animals, and microorganisms. Around 100 governmental, inter-governmental, and non-governmental organizations are collaborating through GEO BON to improve the quality and quantity of biodiversity information and analysis for the conservation and sustainable use of the world’s biological resources.

Map of Life

The Map of Life (MOL) provides global, species-level spatial biodiversity information that integrates and visualizes available knowledge while facilitating user feedback and dynamic analyses. By making data accessible, MOL supplies academics, professionals, and citizens with essential biodiversity information. The MOL flagship project of the Yale Center for Biodiversity and Global Change brings together researchers and educators from the Yale University community and beyond to study Earth’s biodiversity and create knowledge and tools to guide conservation decisions in the future. 


eBird is a free online database of bird observations providing scientists, researchers, and amateur naturalists with real-time data about bird distribution and abundance. Since 2002, eBird has become among the world’s largest citizen-science biodiversity-related projects, with more than 100 million bird sightings contributed annually by eBirders around the world.


iNaturalist’s mission is to build a global community of 100 million naturalists by 2030 in order to connect people to nature and advance biodiversity science and conservation. iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information.

Global Biodiversity Information Facility

The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international network funded by the world’s governments providing global data and data infrastructure that document the occurrence of species. The GBIF dataset combines data from a wide array of sources and includes specimen-related data from natural history museums, observations from citizen science networks, and environment recording and monitoring schemes. 

International Union for Conservation of Nature

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the global authority on the status of the natural world and the measures needed to safeguard it. Counting more than 1400 organizations among its members, the IUCN  focuses on the sustainable use of natural resources and is involved in research, advocacy, and education in this domain. 

UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is a collaborative global center of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy.

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an independent intergovernmental body established by States to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and long-term human well-being.

National Science Teaching Association

National Science Teaching Association, is an association of more than 40,000 dedicated science teachers, science supervisors, and administrators in the United States and is the largest organization of science teachers worldwide.

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